shevatya's story

my global warning

hi!my name is irma muthia. but i love people who call me shevatya, just sheva/tya/shevatya.hoho.i love my nickname.uhm i'm university student.just an extraordinary girl, who lives in ordinary world,trying hard to earn a lot of money for my future life.just read my blog, and u'll now who i am. thx u


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© * étoile filante
inspiration/colours: mintyapple
icons: cablelines
reference: x / x

date: 23.4.09
time:11:31 PM
i wanna life as photographer, may i ?
i love camera
i love photography
god, let me be...

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title: a photo by shevatya part 7
date: 19.4.09
time:11:22 AM

just busy with everything in college
finally i can enjoyed my time there...


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date: 12.4.09
time:10:29 PM

my body really weak
got a fever, again
i went to doctor almost 5 times since 2009
and i got a million yearn
i miss my dad, who always with me if i go to doctor
i miss my mom, who always beside me if i'm sick
i miss my home,
i miss my sist-bro,
i miss my delicious meal,
i miss everything in ranah
i wanna cry GOD
please let my tears comes out!!!

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date: 9.4.09
time:12:56 PM
hii, long time no see n write here.kekeke.mulai awal bulan kemaren gw dsiksa abis2an.tugas yg segaban, mid semester n mulai coba buad eksis d kampus. sebenernya ada waktu buad posting dan cerita2 dsini, tapi lagi males buad nunggu load ini blog, speed inet juga lagi lelet pisan.tugas yang tiada henti2nya, makalah-paper-makalah,huaa sampe bener2 mabok buad ngerjain.pernah ag tidur semaleman buad ngerjain itu, sbenernya salah gw jg sii, ngerjainnya deadline banget, padahal banyak waktu yang tersedia, dan lagi2 masalah mood.susah ngerjain klo mod blum dateng, selalu benci banget sm sifat yg satu ini,tapi masi blum bisa ngubahnya.tugas makalah bakal terus berlangsung sampe akhir semester ini.kemudian mid semester, walopun sifatny OB, tetep aj gw klabakan.jawabannya lebih banyak membutuhkan pengetahuan kita sendiri daripada teori2 d buku.dbagian ini gw sesali lagi, gw gag banyak baca koran dan kemampuan hapalan gw yg makin lama makin menurun kaya nenek2.haha,pasti ketawa dah klo gw buad janji lagi bakal ningkatin hapalan.iya gw kbanyakan janji, implementasinya kaga ada*move on shev!* kemudian soal mulai eksis d kampus. gw berusaha buad hidup d dunia "nyata", berusaha buad dikenal lebih banyak orang,kekekek sok eksis banget yak.iya memang, karena selama ini hidup gw cuma k kampus, kulia, kmudian pulang. cuma itu.tanpa bgaul dengan orang lain.tanpa peduli apa yg tjadi d kampus. padahal kalo dpikir2 gw bakal brada d kampus 2,5 tahun lagi*amin* kalo gw gag dkenal orang, susah juga ntar.kekekeke.makany akhir2 ini mao juga ikut2 kegiatan hima. walopun cuma nonton futsal doank, tapi stidakny itu udah usaha, gw bareng temen2 1 angkatan. hari-hari paling sibuk itu dari senin sampe kemaren. tugas kelompok yang bikin enek d kerjain 3 hari nonstop. hari rabu dari pagi sampe siang, kmudian kuliah, pulang lagi, ngerjain lagi. tiba2 dsuru k kickers,buad jd pubdok, karena gw gag kenal siapa2, akhirny cuma max yang bkeliaran sama putik, gw cuma duduk aj. pulang udah sorean, eh tnyata temen2 kelompok gw masi ngerjain, buset dah ini tugas banyak bener. gw bilang biar gw aj ngerjain sisanya. tapi penderitaan tidak hanya sampe dsitu, malem itu gw harus ikut latian futsal buad tanding esok harinya. jadilah gw latian futsal dulu, dengan keadaan tugas masi terbengkalai. seru juga latiannya.pulang udah jam 10 malem, dan langsung ngerjain itu makalah laknat. huaaa, kelar juga, walopun punggung gw udah jadi korban, sakit banget brasa kram karena kelamaan d depan laptop tnpa sanderan kursi. tugas,tinggal ngprint besok paginya. besoknya, tugas laknat itu dkumpulin juga, itu udah hasil maksimal kelompok gw, peduli amat dah, kalo dtolak, yang penting udah ngerjain. sorenya gw tanding futsal, kali ini bawa nama jurusan, bukan angkatan lagi. nervous abis, mana lawan jago2 banget, dan dengan bodohnya gw, gw ngbiarin 4 bola, masuk k gawang gw, maaaaaaakkkkkkkk, sangat-sangat-sangat bodoh. tapi temen2 masi nyemangatin, ga pa2 katany, maklum pertandingan pertama, lain kali harus lebih bae. iya harus lebih bae,janji dah. eh iya, lupa, angkatan gw juara 1 futsal cewe pas porang. kekeke maen cuma skali doank, tapi alhamdulillahny menang.kekeke.
fiuhh, panjang banget yak curhatan gw, keke, makasi udah baca.ok udahan dulu, mungkin minggu2 berikutnya masi kaya gini, masi dengan tugas dan dunia kuliah. uhm gw udah mulai mengurangi maen2 dforum, walopun masi sering buka, tapi jadi silent reader aja. eh iya, hoodie milan gw udah nyampe. baguss,ntar de dfoto2. lagi d laundry soalnya. ngomong2 soal blanja2, gw harus putar balik gaya hidup, karena sampe akhir smester gw gag bakal bisa ngasilin duit kaya kemaren, gw fokusin k kuliah dulu, ntar pas liburan baru cari proyek lagi.semoga bjalan ssuai rencana..


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title: FACEBOOK user!
date: 6.4.09
time:9:06 PM
Here are the things that (supposedly) will get you kicked off Facebook:

1. You didn't use your real name
Don't try to use a nickname (or initials)in lieu of the name on your birth certificate, because Facebook will find you and spit you out.

2. You joined too many groups
Remember that the maximum limit is 200 groups per user. More than that just looks desperate, don't you think?

3. You posted too many messages on a wall or in a group
Even Guy Kawasaki had his account disabled--in his case for "excessive evangelism."

4. You posted in too many groups, too many user's walls
You may be axed for being too verbose in too many places. That's what spammers do, silly. On Facebook it is better--or at least safer--to be seen than heard.

5. You friended too many people
Not so long ago this was a prime cause of disabled accounts, but Facebook has instituted a maximum of 5000 friends that should protect you from yourself.

6. Your school/organization affiliation is doubtful
The overlords are sometimes not very trusting, and they may accuse you of not graduating from Harvard (or Plum Senior High School). The impertinence! Better have your diploma ready.

7. You're poking too many people
We've heard this from multiple sources, and it's easy enough to avoid. Save the pokes for people you *really* like, as mum always said. But beware the odd FB app that pokes on your behalf.

8. For advertising your app on wall posts
The line between spam and self-promotion is a thin one, but let it be known that pimping your shiny new Facebook app is definitely considered SPAM.

9. Using duplicate text in multiple messages
Some people paste a generic welcome message into friend requests to save time. DON'T DO THIS! It makes you look like a spammer. (Ironically, pro spammers are probably randomizing their messages to avoid this trap)

10. You are a cow, dog, or library
Being a real person is not enough, you must be a homo sapien. Accounts have been deleted for cows, dogs and libraries.

11. You are under eighteen years old
According to one report a user's account was suspended when they suspected her of being under 18. She was required to enter a work email address to prove her maturity, at which point her account was reinstated. [note: other users have pointed out that being under 18 is fine if you're part of a High School group, though underage home schoolers have been told to bugger off]

12. You wrote offensive content
Reports of "sudden death" on accounts have been reported by users who were told they had posted offensive content, but were not provided details of the offense.

13. You scraped information off Facebook
They have a zero tolerance policy for page scraping (i.e. pulling content off their web pages via a script). Unfortunately, they don't have a reliable way of proving it's you who's doing the scraping (IP matching is probably as good as they can get), so you may find this a difficult charge to defend yourself against.

credit : ||


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title: april, 1st
date: 2.4.09
time:12:02 AM
new month again
may i repeat my quote?
"time going faster than i thought"
always write this in every 1st post

my target in march?
never absen in every subject
just like a rubbish
*apologize me mom-dad*

mid test going on
with million assignment
save a lot of money for thailand
explore my camera *max-onew*
read many book
uhm, i think i must diet
my weight is over 50kg,oh no!

5 month to go to september, yey!!


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